It does already certain time that the mass media do not knock down us with some "natural disaster". This does not it mean that the ones that always pass it badly they leave to to be passing it: thousands of dead persons by the hunger, sick of malaria, mutilated by the wars... they are daily there, but the media (that have its own end, lucrative among others) do not they consider them news, by its cotidianidad and because the causes of these problems are "artificial" (hand of man) that does not agree to air. They arrived at this point, goatish to be asked if they do not have something of "artificial" also what has been given in calling "natural disasters", because is also coincidence that the 95 percent of these disasters affect only to them impoverished of shift (that are used to being always the same), and that a same earthquake, by putting an example, cause thousands of dead persons in Nicaragua and none in Japan... As the uncle said Elías, "to thin dog all are bugs".
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