Cuando hablamos sobre algo hay que definir claramente en que consiste ese "algo". Los políticos –y los economista para qué decir– son auténticos camaleones a la hora de tergiversar el significado de las palabras. Ojo con los "nuevos modelos económicos", porque al Sistema se le está pasando el susto del infarto económico que ha sufrido y en vez de cambiar radicalmente de "estilo" para conservarse más sano y equitativo, está volviendo a los viejos e insaludables hábitos, pero eso sí depués de haberse llevado ingentes cantidades de dinero público; tuyo y mío, vaya...
- To leave the crisis we need a new economic model. (Low, free dismissal salaries, to privatize public utilities, I encourage the consumption, to expel to the "illegal"...)
- ¡Completely in agreement! (Stable employment, public banking and ethics, to eradicate the paraisos fiscal, respect to the environment, just commerce, decrecimiento. ..)
When we speak on something one must define clearly in which consists that "something". The politicians –and the economist why to say– are authentic chameleons at the moment of to distort the meaning of the words. Eye with the "new economic models", because to the System him is being passed the scare of the economic heart attack that has suffered and instead of changing radically of "style" to be conserved healthier and fair, is returning to the old and insaludables habits, but that yes depués of to have carried huge quantities of public money; yours and mine, go...
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