Decía Unamuno, "Se viaja no para buscar el destino sino para huir de donde se parte". Y en muchas ocasiones creo que es totalmente cierto. Llegan las vacaciones –para el que las tiene– y parece que tenemos que salir como locos de ese lugar que todo el año nos a acogido... El medioambiente nos mira con recelo a través del humo de nuestros autos y de los aviones que surcan los cielos. Bueno, aquí lo dejo.
– ...Porque the to travel enriches us culturally, widens the spirit, does that we be more tolerant and becomes citizens us of the world.
– Certain.
– ¿This Mister is calling me uncultured, strait of sights, intolerant and provincial? ... Poor, not yet he knows what is the "interior trip".
– ¡Cheap!
It said Unamuno, "travels Itself not to seek the destiny but for flee where splits itself". And in many occasions I believe that is completely certain. The holidays arrive –for the one that has them– and seems that we have to leave like the lunatics of that place that all the year us to received... The environment looks us with fear through the smoke of our cars and of the airplanes that plow the skies. Good, here it abandonment.
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