POSDATA. A partir de ahora coloco una traducción al inglés de mis comentarios; está realizada por un traductor automático, así que os ruego, a los y a las que os manejáis bien con esta lengua, que disculpéis las barbaridades que puedan aparecer.
And after a long vacation where some and some have taken several kilos of more-always referring to it, our "first world", clear-one of the top concerns will be: maintain the silhouette. Of course, on the other side is most of the world's population, with a similar concern, but for other reasons. Oh what world as "asymmetrical"! (By saying something) ... Let's see if it's just the day of "communicating vessels"!
Posdata. From now put an English translation of my comments, is made by an automatic translator, so I ask you, to you and deal with this language, apologize for atrocities that may arise.
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