Por si no te has enterado, tú eres el culpable de que no salgamos de la actual crisis económica. Tú, sencillo, ahorrador y previsor ciudadano y ciudadana de a pie; tú, que no te vuelves un consumado consumista y gastas hasta lo que no tienes para que el IPC (Índice –porque indica por donde quiere que vayamos– de Precios al Consumo) suba y el Mercado –con mayúsculas– vuelva a funcionar a pleno rendimiento. Como ves, lo que importa no es que el modelo (basado en el consumismo, no en el consumo) que ha creado el problema cambie su estructura, sino que eres tú el que debes cambiar esa actitud de desconfianza y madurez –has aprendido a distinguir los gastos superfluos de los necesarios– que te impide retomar tu antigua condición de depredador de materias primas y productos manufacturados. ¡Esquizofrénico e hipócrita discurso de este Capitalismo que pretende reducir la emisión de CO2 y por otro lado nos impele a consumir más y más productos, algunos tan devastadores como los automóviles privados!
– I confess to be austere, to comply with what I have, of waste not in unnecessary consumption...
– ¿But give you account that with that attitude egoista the market does not revive itself and the cpi continues descending?
– Yes, but...
– ¡There is not peros that be worth! As penitence this weekend you will do expenses extras by value of 666 euro! ego I absorb you...
By if yourself have not aware, you are the guilty one that do not we leave the current economic crisis. You, simple, thrifty and thoughtful civic and citizen from on foot; you, that you do not return a consummate consumer one and spend to what do not have so that the CPI (Index –because indicates for where wants that we go– of Prices to the Consumption) rise and the Market –with capital letters– function again to full performance. As you see, what imports is not that the model (based on the consumerism, not in the consumption) that has created the problem change its structure, but are you the one that should change that attitude of distrust and maturity –have to lit to distinguish the superfluous expenses of the necessary– that impedes you to take up again your old commodities predator condition and products manufactured. Schizophrenic and hypocritical speech of this Capitalism one that intends to reduce the emission of CO2 and on the other hand impels us to consume more and more products, some as devastating as the private cars!
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